Student Group Editor

Revision as of 17:42, 31 January 2018 by Judithbergeron (Talk | contribs)

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The Student Group Editor allows you to manually assign and unassign existing students and staff, link and unlink grades and curriculum, access any student group from within the same dialog, merge staff, students, and curriculum assignments between groups, and also delete a group.

  • To access the Group Editor dialog, simply hover hover a group and click on the i.

VCAT2 NewStudentGroupEditor with i in section2.png

Wiki VCAT2 ? hover StudentGroupEditor.png

  • From within the dialog, you can access any other group on the left, and even edit multiple groups before saving your changes.

VCAT2 NewStudentGroupEditor EditSectionInfo.png

  • When changes are made, the group directly affected will be displayed with a green solid border and its associated groups higher in the hierarchy with a dotted green border. The actual changes being added will be highlighted in green, and anything being removed will display in red with a strikethrough until changes are saved or cancelled.

VCAT2 NewStudentGroupEditor EditSectionInfo ChangesHighlighted.png

  • To Save your changes, you can either click on Apply Changes - to save the changes and remain in the edit dialog, or Apply and Close - to save the changes and close the dialog.

Merge Feature

For Staff, Curriculum, and Students

The Merge feature is available at the Section, Course, School, and Year level, and each level offers options. For Staff, Curriculum, and Students assignments, you have the choice to Ignore, Add Missing, Remove Extra, or Make Match.

  • Before clicking the Merge button, you have to select the Merge Target first. Once the Target is selected, then you click on Merge, select the Source, set the options, asend click Merge.
  • No worries, when using the Merge feature, you will have the opportunity to review the changes involved with the merge (they will be highlighted) and make adjustments if needed before saving them. The Cancel button will also be available.

VCAT2 MergeStudentGroups Section-Section.png

VCAT2 MergeStudentGroups Course-Course choices.png

VCAT2 MergeStudentGroups School-School choices.png

VCAT2 MergeStudentGroups Year-Year choices.png

For Demographic Groups

The Student Group Editor is also used for Demographic Groups. It allows the user to edit Demographic Sets, Demographic Variables, and Demographic Values, and manually update existing students demographics, as well as merging student assignments between demographic groups.

  • The Merge feature is helpful if you are manually updating students demographics. In the example below, it is merging the students assignments from demographic set 2015-2016 into the one called 2016-2017.

VCAT2 DemogGroups Set-Set.png

  • Right after clicking the Merge button at the bottom right, an overview of the changes are presented in a word form. Just hit Continue to better see and understand the changes created by the Merge.

VCAT2 DemogGroups Set-Set mergeStudentGroups.png

  • When changes are made, the group directly affected will be displayed with a green solid border and its associated groups higher in the hierarchy with a dotted green border. The actual changes being added will be highlighted in green, and anything being removed will display in red with a strikethrough until changes are saved or cancelled. Any edits can still be done before changes are saved.

VCAT2 DemogGroups Set-Set GreenHighlights.png

VCAT2 DemogGroups Set-Set GreenHighlightsChanges.png